©Les Krims, “You Can Do It With a Lewyt (Industrial and Residential Models,” 1971.
Immagini articoli di Alessandro
©Les Krims, Mrs. Braverman, an early feminist, teeing golf balls in her husband’s mouth, Rochester, New York , 1969.
©Les Krims, Mrs. Braverman, an early feminist, teeing golf balls in her husband’s mouth, Rochester, New York , 1969.
Lee Miller-vasca-Hitler
Lee Miller-vasca-Hitler
Harry Callahan, Eleanor, Chicago, 1949.
Harry Callahan, Eleanor, Chicago, 1949.
©Desiree Dolron, Study # 15 1996-1998.
©Desiree Dolron, Study # 15 1996-1998.
©David La Chapelle, Abram, dalla serie Awakened, 2007.
©David La Chapelle, Abram, dalla serie Awakened, 2007.
©Prue Stent, dalla serie Rock Pool
©Prue Stent, dalla serie Rock Pool
André Kertész, Nuotatore sott’acqua, 1917.
André Kertész, Nuotatore sott’acqua, 1917.
© Deb Schwedhelm, Skyler, Tampa, 2014.
© Deb Schwedhelm, Skyler, Tampa, 2014.
©Arno Rafael Minkkinen, Berne, From the Series Water and sky , 1975.
©Arno Rafael Minkkinen, Berne, From the Series Water and sky , 1975.